Clover Hearts
2010 - 24" x 24" x 1.75" Mixed media on wood
I use the Brooklyn Rail newspaper as collage material within my artwork. Words and phrases within the text are underlined to create poetry. Here is the poem from this painting.
Flamenco Dancer On The Green Piano
These things were going on from time to time.
The problem with time.
By it's nature, willl end up
Smaller and smaller.
Whatever had changed wasn't changing.
Artificial angst no longer rang true.
Expressive faces trying to figure out a clear answer.
Leave it alone.
Figure things out a little later.
The story of a chain smoking turkey.
A fantastic fable?
Intangible dreams
Abnormal behaviors
A Russian ballet.
Mystical bluebird
On a transcendental journey.
Space has it's own rhythm.
Apples and daisies
Suggest a delicate sensibility.
Thinkers in a dozen disciplines
Writing unintentionally, but not quickly.
The fact is turned on it's head.
A new thought eventually turns horrific
Breathe a deep understanding.
Would you say juxtaposing is the same thing?
A child can play dead and do it without thinking.
Abstraction in the contrary phase.
When we are nervous, we see landscapes.
An unassuming demeanor is the stuff of life
How are you going to move?
Flies wearing wings
Seen buzzing around.
The absence of music becomes magnified.
Portraits of life are profoundly touching.
A ghost held my hand and apologized.
I nearly cried.
Disturbed in a way
Conflicting people trapped inside.
Take your shoes off
Watch the tragedy unfold.
Raw canvas is soft.
Painting an oasis for me.
Small things manipulate scale.
Just figure it out.