Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beautiful Noise - July 12, 2011

Beautiful Noise
2011 - 20"x24", Mixed media on canvas

Polar bear goes hunting for dinner and discovers a mysterious box, frozen in ice. Curious about the box, he brings it to his friend Alligator, a connoisseur of strange artifacts.

Polar Bear
(eager to share his new discovery with alligator) 
Look what I found!
A mysterious box.

(rides up on his three legged dinosaur)
It glitters like gold.
Where did you get it?

Polar Bear
(pauses for a moment, distracted by alligator's pet fish)
I was hunting for dinner and found this box frozen in ice.
There is strange writing on the sides. 

(Alligator takes a closer look.)
Heiroglyphics, just like the pyramids.
A gift from the sky people.

Polar Bear
It makes noise.
Listen ....

(completely mesmorized by the noise) 
It makes beautiful noise. 
I must have it.

Polar Bear
I will trade one of your poems for the box.

Yes indeed.
A poem it shall be. 

Living in the literal sense
It's beautiful what people say
Simple things
More poetic than I thought

An occasional moment of coherence
I think subconsciously
Feel without feeling
Look without asking

Silent listening is good
The symphony of silence
An oasis of serenity

Sing a sad song.
Or maybe melancholic screaming.

Shhhhhhhh ......
Whisper softly

The beautiful sound of noise
Can you hear it?
Follow the pulse.
A natural rhythm of life, and death.

Polar Bear
(Polar bear hands the box to Alligator and gives him an enthusiastic applause.)

(takes a bow)
Gracias senor oso.

(Alligator waves goodbye and rides off into the sunset)
Hi-yo silver! 

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